Monday 20 July 2015

Donate Your Car For Money

That’s right! Donate your car for money! Contributing to a noble cause has never brought additional goodies such as this. You actually stand to benefit in monetary terms by donating your car. Indeed you will be overwhelmed by the very act of helping others who are less privileged than you- that is a given. But what you didn’t know is that you can actually get money from doing this. Here is how:-

Free Cash I Tell You

The clamor for environmental consciousness fueled by increased concern for global warming has left several car companies racing to appear more environmental friendly than their competitors. Several techniques have been deployed to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions, to use recyclable material and so on. One technique that is gaining ground rather rapidly is the cash incentive given to owners of older car models in a bid to lure them to purchase new and eco friendly models. How about that! Being paid to buy a car! Toyota Canada is one such car company that is at the fore front with this technique. It offers its customers one thousand five hundred dollars to encourage them to buy low pollution Toyota models.

Retire Your Car And We Will Pay You

Some jurisdictions go out of their way to pay you to stop using older car models. These jurisdictions typically stipulate the year of car manufacture. Vehicles of a certain maximum year and below fit in the category for this enticing incentive. In place of cash, other jurisdictions offer used cars, bicycles or transit passes.

Tax Write Off

Tax benefits in form of tax deduction are by far the most common form of incentive people cite when donating cars. Indeed it is the most ubiquitous form across most if not all jurisdictions in the world. In the United States of America, tax deductions from donating cars are usually claimed in a very systematic process. The IRS has been vilified by many for its aggressiveness in revenue collection. One thing that you have to hand it to them however is that they do their job rather effectively. The following is how to make a tax deduction claim after donating a car in the USA:-

The Process

Donate Your Car For Money
Although you are free to donate to any charity organization of your choice, the charity organization you choose has to be one that is approved by the IRS for you to claim a tax deduction. Once you settle on an ideal charity organization, you need to enquire whether or not they accept car donation. You cannot force your car to them. Next you may want to know about how your car will be used, where the sales proceeds from the sale of your car will be channeled, programs to be funded by the sales proceeds and the efficiency rating of the charity organization. These concerns should be particularly of interest to you if you are not particularly acquainted with the charity organization.

Once your conscience is clear, or more appropriately, once you are satisfied that you have done the right thing in choosing the charity organization, proceed to the gory paperwork. This is by far what car donation really entails. You need to fill the tax claim form for the particular value of your car, attach receipts from the charity organization acknowledging the transaction and a transfer form or a similar document that indicates transfer of ownership to the charity organization.

The IRS actually use the sales proceeds from the sale of the car by the charity organization to determine the value of the car. You may therefore want to be very accurate in valuing your car so as not to be overly optimistic on the tax deduction.